Status Code Report  

The Status Code Report lists the HTML headers returned to the client from the server. For example a status '200 OK' means that the requested page or image was found and the server will now send it. A '404 Document Not Found' means that the requested page or image cannot be found on this server at the specified location. This can occur if the client mistyped a URL or clicks on a broken link. A complete list of the HTTP status codes can be found at HTTP Working Group.

This report shows all results. This report is sorted alphabetically.

Status CodeNumber of requests
1.200 OK36,926
2.206 Partial content36
3.302 Document found elsewhere3,959
4.304 Not modified since last retrieval76
5.400 Bad request12
6.403 Access forbidden41
7.404 Document not found16,843
8.406 Document not acceptable to client23
9.417 Expectation failed5
10.500 Internal server error6
11.502 Error at upstream server175

This report was generated on October 6, 2024 14:38.
Report time frame January 1, 2024 00:19 to October 5, 2024 20:35.

Web statistics report produced by: analog 6.0 / Report Magic 2.21